This is my semester long project building a 6-axis robotic arm with help from my friend Keanu. Together we designed and assembled a 6-axis arm with inspired CAD from Dr. D-Flo and parts from Toglfritz. This is an ongoing project that is only partially completed and is expected to be completed by August 2024.

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Design Process

The design process for our 6-axis robotic arm project was extensive and detailed, involving numerous stages of CAD design, trial and error, and hands-on adjustments. We created a total of 175 individual CAD designs, many of which required multiple iterations and corrections due to failed prints. The image above shows the unofficial design during the assembly phase, highlighting the dimensions and structure of the robotic arm. Key dimensions include a reach radius of 1056.78 mm, a height of 282.75 mm, and various arm segment lengths that contribute to the overall flexibility and range of motion.

Our approach combined digital and traditional methods. We began with paper sketches to conceptualize our ideas before translating them into CAD models using Onshape. This process involved significant trial and error, with frequent adjustments to improve precision and functionality. Throughout the design and assembly phases, we sanded and spray-painted components to ensure a smooth finish and professional appearance. Our project aimed to build a 6-axis industrial robotic arm using components such as DC motors, gearboxes, motor controllers, chain drives, and bearings. The process was pre-meditated, with a clear vision and detailed planning to guide us from initial sketches to the final assembly.


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Problems & Solutions

Problem 1: Gearbox Alignment Issues
One of the significant problems we encountered was with the alignment of the gearboxes within the robotic arm. During the initial assembly, we noticed that the gears were not meshing properly, which caused irregular movements and increased wear on the components. This misalignment was due to slight inaccuracies in the 3D printed parts and the challenge of maintaining precision across multiple prints. To solve this issue, we first re-evaluated our CAD designs to improve the tolerance levels. We then implemented a step-by-step assembly procedure that included using alignment jigs to ensure each part was positioned correctly during assembly. Additionally, we used a higher resolution setting on the 3D printer for critical components to improve dimensional accuracy. These measures significantly improved the alignment of the gearboxes, resulting in smoother and more reliable movement of the robotic arm.

Problem 2: Stability and Structural Integrity
Another major challenge was ensuring the stability and structural integrity of the robotic arm, especially as we began assembling the joints and the frame. Initially, the arm exhibited considerable wobble and instability, which compromised its precision and safety. This instability was primarily due to the flexibility of the 3D printed materials and the design not being robust enough to support the arm’s weight and movements. To address this, we reinforced key structural components by redesigning the frame and shell to include additional support beams and thicker walls. We also experimented with different infill patterns and densities in the 3D printing process to enhance the rigidity of the printed parts. Furthermore, we added external braces at critical points to distribute the load more evenly. These adjustments significantly improved the overall stability and structural integrity of the robotic arm, enabling it to perform precise and repeatable tasks effectively.

Final Product

This is currently not a complete project however, plans are to finish assembly by the end of the upcoming summer 2024. This semester mainly prioritized CAD, 3D printing, materials, and the beginning of the assembly.

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