Cube Cube Cube

The purpose of this project was meant to be an introduction to TIG welding. The criteria was to design and water jet a six identical squares meant to be welded into a cube. I chose to make a minimalistic cube with the idea of placing stickers on the sides.

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Design Process

This process seemed very straight forward at first however, welding made the project very difficult. Using basic CAD knowledge and my learned water jet skills I water jetted a six sides of a cube, debured, and sanded each part. Afterwards we learned and practiced TIG welding and finally welded our cubes together. This process was very difficult and a steep learning curve. I failed my original cube and practiced many times to achieve my final results.


Final Product

This projects introduction to TIG welding turned this project very challenging. I had to revisit the project to fix past mistakes mainly because my original cube melted a hole when welding. This project wasn't just about completing it but mentally finding and learning new methods to improve upon. I found that the making the pieces of the cube was very straightforward. However, welding was very stressful and difficult, revisiting the project I was proud of my final results.

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