8Ball 8Ball 8Ball

Project Details

This project delves into understanding and implementing the electronics subsystem within the realm of First Robotics Challenge. It involves the intricate wiring of various systems using appropriate wire gauge, fuses, and strategic placement of each wire. Key components include:

Another objective within this project is to develop a function capable of generating random answers to random questions using the motor. This concept is akin to the approach seen in "The Martian". It entails mounting a base atop the motor and attaching a mechanism to the motor axle, which spins to produce an answer. The code must employ pseudo-randomization techniques based on a random number generator to generate these answers dynamically.

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This code tackles an interesting challenge. Its goal is to utilize CAN wiring to manipulate a motor, determining its movement based on a randomly generated value. The concept is to generate a random number that corresponds to specific motor inputs. However, as it stands, the code isn't fully developed. Currently, it merely verifies if the motor can initiate rotation. To achieve functionality, it leverages functions sourced from public repositories to control motor operations.

Source Code